Set Free to Grow

by Chuck Musselwhite | Jan 24, 2019 | Devotional | 0 comments

One of my favorite things to do is to shop at a farmer’s market. The selection of fruit and vegetables along with the unique crafts from vendors make it a unique experience. Fruit is a metaphor that is used in the Bible multiple times to represent growth and new life. When we are set free the snares of sin, we are set free to grow.

Romans‬ ‭6:22‬
“But now, since you have been set free from sin and have become enslaved to God, you have your fruit, which results in sanctification — and the outcome is eternal life!”
Set Free
When we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, we are set free from the chains of sin. That doesn’t mean we won’t sin anymore, but the penalty of death that sin brings is broken. We can walk in spiritual freedom because our destiny is determined and we set free to grow in our relationship with Jesus.

Set Apart
That process of growth is called sanctification. It is the process of being separated from the world’s ways and being molded into the image of Jesus Christ. Paul tells us in Phil 1:6 that He (Jesus) who began a good work in us will continue it until the end of days. Our growth will continue until we stand in the presence of our creator. Our job is to submit to that process and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us.

Bearing Fruit
Part of sanctification is being the fruit of the Spirit grow in us. Being set free to grow is akin to having a heavy weight removed from our shoulders and being able to lift our head and see what is possible. The Holy Spirit wants the love of Jesus to grow in you. Along with that peace, joy, kindness, and more will become more evident. For this to happen, we need to submit to God as his servants and follow his leading. When we do, we will bear incredible fruit, and the outcome will be eternal life.

Source: dailywalkdevotion.com


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