Striving for the mastery can be described as all mental and physical efforts put to ensure effective control over a trade, a sport or any desired activity.
We live in a day and time where the desire to become great and outstanding has filled the hearts and minds of many serious minded individuals. As a result of this, an individual aspiring to be the best at his trade will make adequate preparations which would involve starving his emotions and feeding his focus to reach his goal.
Michael Jordan's high school coach had these to say about him '' he's the best I've seen, he further said either ''I have to kick him out of the gym'', or ''I can't get him out of the gym''. He desired to gain mastery over the game of Basketball by pushing and disciplining himself. No wonder he retired as one of the greatest to ever grace the sport.
Paul in his first epistle to the Corinthian Church has this to say:
And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to gain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. 1 Corinthians 9 vs 25 (KJV Version).
Now every athlete who goes into training conducts himself temperately and restricts himself in all things. They do it to win a wreath, but we (do it to receive a crown of eternal blessedness) that cannot wither. 1 Corinthians 9 vs 25 (AMP Version).

That is why an athlete that wants to stand on the podium as the next gold medalist would ensure that he doesn't miss training sessions, the gym, he's keeps the right diet, he abstains from the usage of questionable, illegal and banned substances that would lead to his disqualification and disgrace. Much is required for a Christian as the above scripture states. A Christian aspiring to be a giant in spiritual things and vying for a crown of life should not indulge himself in certain frivolities and vanities rather he should refrain from them, as indulging in them would cripple him spiritually and eventually hinder him from receiving the incorruptible crown of life.
Why must Christians strive for the mastery. Why is it of great importance?
As opposed to the natural, this (striving for the mastery) is for everlasting life. In this race there is no room for quitting and withdrawal without an eternal consequence of total separation from God for all eternity. This is so important that looking back after laying hands to the plough is not allowed.
Just as a Boxer trains rigorously and tirelessly before a bout so as not to leave any blind-spot for his opponent to exploit, so must aspiring Christians do through constant watching and praying and study of the Word. The devil, our archenemy never rests as he is fighting to bring heaven bound saints down through several schemes. For this reason, Christians need to gain mastery over their prayer lives so as to activate their spirit senses and sharpen their spiritual armor. No one becomes a prayer champion overnight, it takes in addition to the grace of God determination and discipline to travail and prevail in the place of prayer. Determination and discipline are needed against laziness,distractions,and sleep. Constant study of the word should not be left out.
An athlete that is determined to win a race is not seen putting on things like headphone, site shoes, joggers, backpacks and so on when he is about to run. These as excess weights that are not allowed on track. Much is required from a Christian because there is everlasting life at stake. To avoid disappointment and disqualification there is need to lay off every weights and the sin that easily besets us in order for us to effectively run the race that is set before us ( see Hebrews 12 vs 1). It may require plucking out that one eye or cutting off that hand that brings offenses whose resultant effect is eternal damnation if not dealt with (see Matthew 18 vs 8-9).
I will conclude with these questions; Are you watching and praying? what extra weights are you putting on that you are not willing to lay aside? What is that thing that is so precious to you that you are not willing to let go, sever, or break?


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