A servant was sent by his Master to fell some trees in the forest which would be used to build His house. An axe was given to him with specific instructions "return with the axe and the timber, and and never let the axe head go blunt". The Master knows that the possibility of him bringing in timber and building the house hinges upon the availability of the axe and its sharpness.  With the axe in shape the quantity of timber would increase. It is up to the servant to the keep the axe and determine how sharp it would be, which will  eventually determine the quantity of hewed down trees. The servant would be in great danger if he returns without the axe and he will not be commended if he returns empty handed without timber. On the other hand, he would receive rewards and commendations from his Master if he returns with a lot of timber and the axe. 
This fiction above illustrates the Great Commission given to every believer by our Lord Jesus Christ. The axe here is believer's salvation and the Holy Spirit's power which the believer receives from the Lord Jesus. The trees are the souls he was sent to preach the gospel of salvation to and desciple.
Every believer without exception has been given the axe with the same instructions "return with the axe and timber, and never let the axe head go blunt". Whether you are an apostle, or prophet, or pastor, or teacher, every believer has been given the same command which is to go and win souls and desciple them for the kingdom. It is not the duty of the evangelist alone.
Aside the great commission, believers have been exhorted by the Jesus Christ to continue in his word (John 8vs 31). They are to keep living for God and keep the fire burning so as not to be spued out by the Master (Revelation 3vs16).
It is so unfortunate that many Christians of today have treated this command with levity and made it secondary. Many churches no longer organise missions and crusades for the sake of bringing the lost into the kingdom. They have placed priority on the less essentials at the detriment of winning the lost at any cost. They instead organise charity events, fundraisers for church projects, building of schools and hospitals, etc at the expense evangelism and missions.
Many Christians no longer find the need to engage in personal Evangelism. They dedicate their time and resources on their businesses and career pursuits at the detriment of the great commission and their spiritual lives.
God will not dishonor His word as he regards it above all His name (Psalms 138vs2). The command of the great commission has not lost its urgency and as a result every believer must wake up from their slumber, take their spiritual lives serious and preach the gospel of salvation to win the lost. As the Master will not commend any Christian who disobeys this command. The Master(Jesus Christ) will cast out any believer into outer darkness (Matthew 24vs12) that loses his salvation and does not trade with his talents. Remember the Master said "And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be" (Revelations 22vs12). Be wise, for he that winneth souls is wise (Proverbs 11vs30).
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