THE BACKSTAGE: An invitation to work behind the scenes

The importance of backstage workers in any concert or event cannot be overemphasised. This is because a crucial part of a live performance happens behind the scenes. 
The job and activities of backstage workers are vital to the success of the whole show. They ensure that all electrical appliances, sound systems,  and equipment are in place and in good condition. It's their job to make sure that there's orderliness as it as to do with the chronological setup of events and time of performance to prevent confusion on stage. They also ensure that the stage and place of performance is secure to prevent any form of accident, and if accidents occur, first aid and ambulance are readily available. These and more explains why the activities of backstage workers are vital to the success any stage performance and concerts. 
Intercessors are like backstage workers. They work behind the scenes to ensure that there is a continuous move of God in the church, absence of demonic activities, security and safety of its members. 
Intercessors can also work behind the scenes on behalf their families and loved ones. They act in this capacity to ensure that family curses are broken, their protection against satanic attacks and activities, conversion of loved ones, peace in the home, protection and deliverance from home wreckers. 
Intercessors also work behind the scenes on behalf of a people, community, state, or nation. They act as watchmen who stand in the gap for the land to make sure that the will of God finds expression, the activities of Satan and his demons are frustrated, the counsel of God is revealed, and so on.

There were several characters in the Bible that acted in intercessory capacity for a particular issue as it relates to them. 
Abraham, our covenant father interceeded for the land of Sodom because Lot his nephew resided there.  Even though Sodom was eventually destroyed as they didn't reach God's requirements and the agreement He had with Abraham, Lot was still spared along with his two daughters. His  wife who would have also been saved looked back from behind her and turned into a pillar of salt. (see Genesis18 vs 21-33 and 19 vs 1- 29)
Moses,  the meekest man on earth in his day stood in the gap on behalf of the stiffnecked Israelites. When God would have destroyed them in His wrath as a result of their disobedience, he gave God reasons why He should not. He went as far as telling God to blot his name out of His book just so He could spare the Jews. (see Exodus 32)
Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord interceeded for his disciples and for us in John 17. He also prayed for Simon Peter and as result was restored when He denied Him thrice. (see  Luke 22 vs 31-32 and Matthew 26 vs 75)
The believers of the early church stood in intercessory capacity for Apostle Peter. When Herod stretched forth his hand to vex certain of the church, he took James and killed him. When he saw it pleased the Jews he went further to arrest Peter. The church who were  initially negligent rose up from their slumber and organised prayers without ceasing for Peter.  It was as a result of these prayers that intervention came and God took away the opposition at that time. (see Acts 12)
For success,  deliverance, peace, intervention, and progress intercession is paramount. You can't neglect intercession and not expect to see attacks, tumult, and pandemonium. 
A family will face crises, be exposed to spiritual attacks, held under bondage if there is no intercessor. Children will live wayward lives if their parents don't act early enough in intercessory capacity on their behalf. 
A church will be demonised if there are no intercessors. The devil will have free course, charlatans will flourish, there will be spiritual disasters everywhere if there are none to stand in the gap. 
Where intercessors are lacking, preachers may lack utterance to proclaim and interprete what they have received from the Lord. (see  Ephesians 6 vs 19,  Colossians 4 vs 3, and 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 25)
What if our families are facing lots of problems, our churches lack the fire, our nation is in crisis because there are no sufficient intercessors? This is a call for more backstage workers in 2018.


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