This young man that walked the path of this earth thousands of years ago is a practical example of the fact that complete trust in and obedience to God, along with diligence births a glorious destiny. This man's name is Joseph.

As a young boy, he showed immaturity in managing information regarding his dreams of rulership. This put him in the black books of his elder brothers and they sought to harm him. Instead of harming him, they opted to sell him to Ishmaelites who in turn sold him to Portiphar, an officer to Pharaoh in Egypt (Genesis 37 vs 5-36). God did not forsake Joseph. He made all things to prosper in his hands as a slave in Egypt. (Genesis 39 vs 2)

Joseph passed through a lot of challenges - from being accused of attempted rape by Portiphar's wife to spending years in the prison just because he stood for righteousness. This ordeal did not kill Joseph's godliness and zeal as he still prospered in the prison. (Genesis 39 vs 7-23)

Joseph had a God given gift of interpreting dreams. This gift found expression in a prison when he interpreted the dreams of two of Pharaoh's imprisoned officers which all came to pass as he said. (Genesis 40 vs 1- 23)

Two years later, Joseph's gift made way for him as he stood before Pharaoh to interprete his dreams. Joseph did not only interprete Pharaoh's dreams, he also gave a workable suggestion to what needed to be done. As a result of this, he (Joseph) was made the prime minister in Egypt. (Genesis 41 vs 1- 57)

Joseph had a forgiving heart. This showed when he forgave his brethren who initially sold him, thinking they had gotten rid of him. (Genesis 45 vs 5; 50 vs 2)

Joseph's lifestyle of godliness and hard work is a good example for young people to emulate. 

  • He became prime minister in a foreign land. (Genesis 41 vs 40-45)
  • He was used by God to spare the lives of his family, The nation of Egypt, and all countries from starvation. (Genesis 41vs 54-57; 24 vs 1-3)
As a young boy he lacked information management skills. This caused dissenton in his family, and endangered his life. (Genesis 37 vs 5-10, 18,19)

  • Godliness (Genesis 39 vs 7-10) 
  • Diligence (Genesis 39 vs 2-6) 
  • Humility (Genesis 45 vs 1-4)
  • Wisdom (Genesis 41 vs 33-39)
  • Forgiving heart (Genesis 45 vs 5; 50 vs 2)
  • God takes us through processes to do his work in us. 
  • Complete trust in and obedience to God, coupled with diligence births a glorious destiny. 
  • A man's gifts makes room or open doors for him. (Proverbs 18 vs 16) 
  • You can't dodge trials and challenges when you walking along the path of a glorious destiny. 
  • Forgiveness cannot be overemphasised in our daily living and relationship with others. 
Credit: ThoughtCo. 
Photo credit: anazingfacts.com 


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