Moses was one of the greatest characters in the old testament of the Bible. He was born during the captivity of the Jews in Egypt. At a time when the Pharaoh had ordered for the killing of every infant Jewish male to reduce the rising population of the Hebrews. God spared his life through his parents and he found himself in the house of Pharaoh, and became a prince.

Though a prince in the royal family of Egypt, with all the rights and rights and privileges attached to it, he knew he did not belong there (Hebrews 11 vs 23-27). As a result of this, he slew an Egyptian in defence of an Hebrew. This made him flee to Midian to save his life when this act of his came to light. It was in Midian that he met with God in Mount Horeb. He was chosen by God to be the vessel He would use to deliver His people (the Israelites from Egypt. And with Moses, assisted by Aaron his brother, God brought the Israelites out of Egypt with a strong and mighty hand.

Moses was used by God to lead the children of Israel in all their forty years sojourn in the wilderness, up till they got to Jordan.

Moses was so intimate with God that he knew Him face to face( Exodus 33 vs11). Because of this intimacy, he was given the revelation to write the book of Genesis. He also authored Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Moses' intimacy with God made him know the ways of God. As a result of this he stood in the gap for the stiffnecked Israelites severally to prevent God from consuming the whole of His people in His wroth (Exodus 32 vs 9-14, 31-32).

Moses was Israel's law giver. God used him in setting all the laws and ordinances. He also received the ten commandments from the Lord (Exodus 24 vs 12; 31 vs 18).

Though he did not make it to the earthly Canaan, as a result of his disobedience to God at the water of Meribah, in Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin, when he struck the rock twice instead of pointing to it (Numbers 20 vs 11) , he still did not miss paradise. When he died, God Himself buried him in a sepulchre that no man ever knew ( Deuteronomy 34 vs 5-6).
Moses also appeared with Elijah to our Lord Jesus Christ on the Mount of transfiguration (Matthew 17 vs 1-3).

Moses' life is a pointer,  to the fact that a man empowered by God will do great exploits for Him.
Moses' life also shows that a man can be so intimate with God that he would know Him and His ways. This requires us yielding ourselves totally to the person of the Holy Spirit.

Finally from Moses' disobedience, we can see that God honours His words and would not take it lightly with anyone who disobeys, especially his servants.

Credit: ThoughtCo.
Photo credit: amazingfacts.org


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