
Showing posts from March, 2018


What choice would you make, when you are faced with a decision to choose between your faith and your life?  This was the same position Shedrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego found themselves as captives in Babylon. They were faced with the same option to choose either to fall down and worship an gigantic image(idol), or get thrown into a burning fiery furnace. Nebuchadnezzar woke up one day with a desire out of his evil mind to set up a large golden statue. Being the most powerful king of the ancient world at that time, he had authority over kingdoms and nations and as a result he called for a great assembly of VIPs from his kingdom and provinces for the dedication of this statue which he had set up. To cut the long story short, as a result of Shedrach, Meshach and Abed-nego's firm stand to rather die than to postrate before an Idol thereby disregarding the king's orders were thrown bound into the midst of a burning fiery furnace that had been heated seven times. But God in hi


A servant was sent by his Master to fell some trees in the forest which would be used to build His house. An axe was given to him with specific instructions "return with the axe and the timber, and and never let the axe head go blunt". The Master knows that the possibility of him bringing in timber and building the house hinges upon the availability of the axe and its sharpness.  With the axe in shape the quantity of timber would increase. It is up to the servant to the keep the axe and determine how sharp it would be, which will  eventually determine the quantity of hewed down trees. The servant would be in great danger if he returns without the axe and he will not be commended if he returns empty handed without timber. On the other hand, he would receive rewards and commendations from his Master if he returns with a lot of timber and the axe.  This fiction above illustrates the Great Commission given to every believer by our Lord Jesus Christ. The axe here is believe