
Showing posts from April, 2019


There are many Christians who are Christians in theory only, and they are worldlings in practice. John Alexander Dowie Source: goodreads


The gospel is exciting 03 APRIL 2019 ‘The gospel…is the power of God unto salvation.’ Romans 1:16 KJV 0:00 One Sunday a lady fell asleep in church. Pointing to the man sitting next to her, the pastor said, ‘Please wake that lady up.’ The man replied, ‘Sorry, Pastor. You put her to sleep – you wake her up!’ Seriously, Paul tells us ‘the gospel…is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes’ (NKJV). The Greek word for ‘power’ is d u namis, from which we get the word dynamite. Talk about impact! The gospel changes people profoundly. Chuck Swindoll says: ‘The gospel is like a sword sharpened on the stone of Scripture and tempered in the furnace of reality, relevance, and need. Of all the reactions a person may have to it, I can think of none worse than a yawn, a sleepy “so what”, or a bored “who cares?” Jesus met people where they were. His word touched raw nerves. His preaching was a lot more “here-and-now” than it was “there-and-then”. He attacked hypocrisy a...


He’s working all things out for your good 01 APRIL 2019 ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.’ Romans 8:28 NIV 0:00 Paul begins this verse by saying: ‘And we know.’ There are so many things in life we don’t know. We don’t know if the economy will dip or how our kids will turn out. We don’t even ‘know what we ought to pray for’ (v. 26 NIV 2011 Edition). But we can ‘know’ these four things: 1) ‘God works.’ Even though you can’t see Him, He’s busy behind the scenes. He hasn’t checked out or moved on. He’s ceaseless, tireless, and He never stops working. 2) ‘God works for the good.’ Not for our comfort, pleasure, or entertainment, but for our ultimate good. But then again, He is the ultimate good, so would you expect anything less? 3) ‘God works for the good of those who love Him.’ Behold the benefit of a loving God! Make His story your story, and your story takes on a happy ending. Guaranteed! 4) God works ‘in all things’. God works...