Rahab's inclusion into the faith Hall of fame in Hebrews 11 may look surprising to some, possibly due to the fact that she was an harlot and was not an Israelite. Her hospitality made her earn the inclusion. She hailed from Jericho, and dwelt as an harlot, in an apartment, upon the impregnable walls of the city, which was soon to be brought down by the almighty God. From that land, she heard of the Lord Almighty, and how He made a way through the red sea for His elect nation(Israel), whom He had brought out of captivity in Egypt and delivered the kings of the Amorites into their hands, giving them their land to inherit. She believed and acknowledged this God, and risked her life for His servant's (Joshua) men. When they came to spy the land she received them in peace (Hebrews 11 vs 31) and hid them from the King of Jericho. This brave action of hers not only spared her life and the lives of her family when the walls fell down and the city was taken over by Joshua an...